How Customer Success Can Improve Your Debt Collection Processes


PO Box 198988
Nashville, TN 37219
1 (855) 287-7043

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At the core of every debt collection process, there are two players: the collector, which is typically the business, and the debtor, your customer or patient. Normally, the collector is cast as the enemy and the debtor is cast as the hero. The debtor may have run into a bit of debt but often feels as if the collector is out to get them if the collection process isn’t conducted in a compassionate, empathetic manner. 

However, you can spin the script and change how your debt collection processes go if you decide to focus on customer success and prioritize your patients throughout the process of recovery. 

Customer success, which you can think of as customer service, is a business method that ensures your customers achieve success. In the context of medical debt collection, achieving success looks like paying back their debt in a process that is as painless as possible. And doing so while remaining in good standing with their healthcare provider. Most healthcare companies would also argue that customer success in the context of medical debt collection looks like helping their patients feel compassionately cared for throughout the debt collection process. Much like they aim for their patients to feel after receiving services or treatments from them.

By focusing on empathy, honesty, integrity, and compassion throughout the collection process, you can put customer success at the forefront of your mission while also collaborating with patients to resolve their accounts. When your patients feel heard, seen, and respected, they will be more prone to pay you back in full and with little, if any, pushback. Suddenly, you as the collector are no longer the enemy, but you are a friend who has come alongside the debtor to help them achieve their success. In this scenario, their success is also your success. This makes it a mutually beneficial goal that you can work toward in tandem. 

Aren’t sure how to implement customer success improvements in your debt collection process? Our team of experienced medical debt collectors at Frost-Arnett would be thrilled to help you discuss strategies to improve your customer success and your debt collection process. You can reach us at 1 (855) 287-7043. We look forward to hearing from you.


PO Box 198988
Nashville, TN 37219
1 (855) 287-7043

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